Day 12 Pescadero to Marina 70mi 2654 ft gain with stop over in Santa Cruz
Up and on our bikes before most everyone at the hostel is up! Interesting experience at the hostel even though we were there for only about 13 hours! People were very friendly! Bunking with 6 other guys, a bathroom and shower down the hall was different! Only $60 and very scenic, but not having our bikes and bags with us was disconcerting! I slept well until 4 and woke up worrying that our bikes would be gone or no one could find the key! Couldn't go back to sleep unfortunately so just rested! Mike tried to load our maps for the day but had a lot of difficulty! Finally, we decided to head out without it working! I ate very little for breakfast fast with the hope of finding the boardwalk in Santa Cruz and Rivas fish place! This is a place Mike Hassur visits frequently when he and Mog go surfing in SC. I ate there once with Mike and I wanted to return! We arrived about 45 minutes before it opened! We decided to stay and Mike called Garmin to get help with the mapping! It was hazy while waiting! Most of you know waiting is not one of my strengths, but this wait was a good choice. The fish was spectacular! Mike and I sat and watched the surfers as they worked hard to get up on waves!
We left and struggled to find our way since 101 in most sections did not allow cyclists on the road! Eventually, we found the Adventure Cycling route and made our way down the coast! The wind continued to not be our friend! The road took us through the farming area with strawberries being the most common! Mike and I stopped at a fruit stand and bought some fresh strawberries and again Bing cherries! Yummy! We eventually found our way to Marina just short of Monterey. Checked into our Motel 6 washed clothes ate at Denny's and visited Walmart for supplies.
Almost 8:00 and I still need to pack and get stuff ready for tomorrow!
I hope this blog finds everyone doing well!
Miss you all!
Miss you all!

Light house

Santa Cruz roller coaster!

Santa Cruz surfers 🏄! Where is Hassur and Mog? (Editor's Note: Mog and I go in the winter when the waves are bigger)

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