Monday, June 18, 2018

Skate Creek Picture Post -- by Dwaine

Self congratulating ourselves at Longmire. It seemed a little early for such joy and confidence. But the weather was looking to be better than expected. Our legs still felt fresh. We were in denial regarding the self inflicted suffering that would commence all too soon.

A good way into the climb to Paradise a quartet of Cyclopaths took a scenic side route past Ricksecker Point that revealed this view. I promised to make the photo as quickly as possible and Les promised not to fall off the cliff directly behind him. Success.

Saturday was not the first time this particular stretch of pavement captured my camera's attention. By this part of the ride we were working enough to feel it but not enough to be hate it. The sun was out. The group was in high spirits and the scenery was spectacular. Climbing to Paradise never gets old.

Leon claimed he was 'taking it easy' and only completing a portion of the group ride. His moderated pace was no piece of cake. The photographer would like to say 'thanks' to Leon for slowing for this photo.

This guy. So much power. When Adam is leading the first group up any given pitch I'm proud of myself if I can hang with the second group.

Is Mount Rainier photobombing a capture of Scott? Or was the photographer capturing a selfer making a selfie? While we regrouped, snacked, and chatted at the top of Backbone Ridge (Pass?) we were feeling confident. Two climbs were completed. Just one more to go.

This unscheduled stop allowed us to take in some scenery. Stevens Canyon road above Ohanakaposh is beautiful.

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