Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tour de Bloom 2024 - by Dwaine

My training calendar for early 2024 was tailored to prepare me for this year's Tour de Bloom. TdB is a three day four race stage race held under the hopefully sunny skies of Wenatchee WA in early May. This year my team, Fell Swoop, registered four riders for the 50+ 3/4/5 category. At the last minute Jude called in sick and we raced as a team of three.

Tour de Bloom - Friday - Waterville Road Race

During our warmup for the first stage Jonas and Anthony and I discussed strategy. Our earlier plan of supporting Jude was out the window when we learned Jude was ill. Our new plan to was to look out for each other as best we could during this first stage while still maximizing our individual finish results.

The weather was warm enough for me to wear my Summer kit. But the winds were building from the South. Fortunately there was no rain in the forecast. Another important feature of our race was the combination of our 50+ 3/4/5 field with the 40+ and 60+ fields.

As soon as we hit the first East-West road we were more or less lined up against the yellow line. The pace was pretty hard. It only got harder and the field was falling apart. Every leg of the course that was East-West required fighting for the yellow paint or shoulders edge. I was just barely in touch with the lead group of fifteen or twenty when our race was neutralized to let one of the Women's fields go by. This allowed many that were dropped early to regain connection with the peleton. For a while, anyway.

The pace remained manageable for me until the beginning of the second lap. I think it was Landon Hanson drilling at the front. The field was unraveling from the rear and I eventually lost touch as well. It was somewhere during this time frame that Landon and three others in the 40+ field got completely away.

I certainly didn't want to ride solo from this point. I chose to stick to Greg Nichols as he was powerful on the flats and gave a good draft. Others joined us and we started working together. By the time we crested the high point of the course for the second time the group had grown to about ten. This group worked together for a short while until Greg slipped off the front with a 40+ rider. I was struggling to stay in the group and purposefully let Greg go.

Our group of eight was now the third group on the road and remained largely intact to the finish. I did not put in a proper sprint. Instead I let a few wheels go by as we approached 200 meters and then hopped on and drafted to the finish line. Unbeknownst to me I accidentally finished 3rd in my category.

When we returned to the rental house we learned of my third place result. This set me up as the most well positioned Fell Swooper on GC. I was two minutes behind Greg, two seconds behind Andrew Shirey, and about two and a quarter minutes up on the next four riders.

Tour de Bloom - Saturday A.M. - Time Trial

Two years ago I completed my first and only IRL time trial. That weekend I was supporting Jude and didn't need a solid TT time. This year the tables were turned and I _did_ need to find my best legs. On the drive to the T.T. venue I peppered Jonas and Anthony with questions about T.T. pacing strategy. They were patient and replied with thoughtful answers. Going too hard seemed like a larger risk than going too easy so I chose a moderate target wattage.

A day earlier, while prepping for the Waterville road race, Patrick Waters had meandered over to chat with me about my VW Vanagon. On Saturday morning he approached me again. This time to ask me why I wasn't at the podium and didn't pick up my six pack of beer. I failed to provide a reasonable answer.

The start of the TT contains a few rollers and I was forced to pace them by feel. Once onto the false flat I settled into my target wattage without problem. And I felt good. Over the course of the TT I slowly increased my effort. By the end I was pushing an additional ten watts over where I started and still rolling strong.

My finish position was not great at 14th of 23. Fortunately we were still third on GC. I lost time compared to most of the close competition but not enough to bump me out of the top three. This poor result was well balanced by my new found optimism. My legs were feeling great. During the TT I saw power numbers that I haven't seen in a long time.

Tour de Bloom - Saturday P.M. - Criterium

Two years ago I competed in my first ever criterim at TdB. I was a bundle of nerves. I should have been more comfortable this time around but the wet course introduced a new and difficult dimension to the race.

To calm my pre-race nerves I futzed around with getting ready for the race. I attempted to place my wheels in the pits only to be turned away twice. Apparently they didn't want to accept wheels until my race was starting. On my way back to the van I ran into the Ace the promoter. I told him a sad story about a nice man in his 50's who accidentally finished third and then failed to make it to the podium. He liked my story well enough and we were able to locate my missing six pake of Pale Ale.

With three classes lined up we had about 50 riders on the line. The start would be critical. I lined up on the inside and was lucky enough to be top fifteen coming out of the first corner.

For the first few laps my line choice for the downhill corner was a constant radius. Theoretically that line could have been both fast and efficient. But that line did not mix with the line chosen by the front of the peleton. Different riders on different lines was upping the chances of putting someone on the ground. I switched my line choice pretty quick to match the peleton.

For the first half of the race I stayed in the top ten or fifteen. It appeared that Greg Nichols was simply pulling the entire field around.

My goal for this stage was to finish with the lead group and stay upright. I ignored the prime laps. By mid race the peleton had dwindled to half its original size. It felt like we were looking at a group finish. The rain started coming a little harder. I was riding on the edge and could feel my tires moving a bit here and there. So I let myself drift to the back. Tail gunning reduced the chances I had ride the downhill corner with riders to my inside.

In the final laps Jonas offered his wheel. I declined. We were riding really aggressively in the rain and it felt like a crash was inevitable.

At the start of the final lap I nailed the uphill corner. Most riders were coasting early or braking to slow down enough to make the turn on the inside. Then they had to jump out of the saddle to get up the hill.

I found a better way. On some laps the peleton left some room on the right. When they did I could pedal up the right at 200 watts, swing WAY to the outside before the turn, and then swing around the outside with speed. This also allowed me a more shallow turn radius and a less steep lean angle. On the final lap I moved a good ways up the field in that one corner.

From there I tried to protected the left side so no riders could get inside of me on the final corner. As we approached the finish I just drafted the wheel in front of me. My result of seventh wasn't remarkable but it was exactly what we needed. With time bonuses being the only real change on GC, Fell Swoop was in a good position going into day three.

Tour de Bloom - Sunday - Plain Road Race

The later start on Sunday allowed us to get more rest and have a slow paced morning. We ate breakfast. I distributed Friday's prize beer. We even had time to write mini cheat sheets for our top tubes. These included the riders we knew we needed to watch and which teams they represented.

We talked a lot about strategy for the upcoming road race. The course was mostly flat and then finished at the top of a short climb. With three classes and a few really strong riders it was difficult to guess what scenarios might play out. After a few iterations we settled on a simple strategy. We wanted the group to stay together and then we would see what my climbing legs could do. This was a conservative strategy. In contrast to a break away, there was simply not that much time that could be gained or lost on the short final climb.

The first half lap was uneventful. I stayed far enough up front to keep an eye on our competition but never tasted any wind. A few riders from the 40+ group got antsy but we ignored them. Jonas had his eyes open for any 50+ riders with ideas but no serious attacks materialized.

Jonas knew the locations on the course any action might take place. The first of these was at the 180 degree turn around at the end of the lake.

At each of these locations Jonas would work to the front. I would respond by moving into a more forward position in preparation for the acceleration. Jonas then upped the pace and strung out the peleton to discourage any attacks. At each of the numerous corners or climbs or pinch points Jonas repeated this. And it seemed to work. There were no serious attacks being attempted.

The second lap was more of the same. Two 40+ riders went off the front for a while but were ignored. Jonas continued to patrol the front. Anthony rode near me most of the time and made sure I had a good wheel to follow. I moved up occasionally when I knew Jonas was about to up the pace.

As we neared the finish the group was still together. Jonas came back, picked up Anthony and I, and started working us forward. About a mile before the final climb Jonas got serious and moved us up the right shoulder. In the final quarter mile before the climb we were near the front when Jonas was forced to evade a swerving rider. Anthony pulled through and put the hammer down. His timing was perfect. He took over the lead of the peleton, with me glued to his wheel, just as the climb started.

Up to this point it felt a lot like Fell Swoop had ridden a perfect race. It was time for me to finish it.

Thirty seconds into the climb and I settled down to my target wattage. I was hoping to hold about 110% of my FTP for the seven minute climb. To my surprise about fifteen riders came around me. In the moment I assumed that some of them were excited and pushing too hard. I continued to hit my target wattage.

But the climb was finishing too quickly. Anthony came to me from behind to help pace me. When I saw the switchback, which indicated the halfway point, I knew my pacing was off. I added another twenty watts to my target and hoped for the best. But only a few riders were coming back to me. Anthony continued to pace me to the top. I was hurting. But not enough. The 200 meter sign took me by surprise. I still had matches to burn and I covered those final thirty seconds of climbing at 475 watts.

When I stopped at the top I felt sick with myself. I had under paced the climb substantially which threatened Fell Swoop's position on GC. Anthony assured me that it would be OK. And it was. My mistake cost us some seconds to most of my rivals. But not enough seconds to change the GC standings. Fell Swoop retained third on GC. Mission accomplished.

Back at the cars a couple prize beers from Friday were cracked and consumed. The three of us shared how well we worked as a team and how well we executed the day's plan. I told Jonas and Anthony how grateful I was for their efforts. They sacrificed their own results to make sure I had the best chance of keeping Fell Swoop in GC contention.

As I write this I am reminded, again, of how honored I feel to be part of a team that knows how to work as a team. Thanks, again, to Jonas and Anthony for a great weekend of racing.


  1. Terrific report, Dwaine. Thanks for sharing. Amazing how sophisticated you and your team are with race strategy.

  2. Steve,, Awesome recap of last weekends race. I concur with Les on how you and the team developed a very good race strategy. Congrats on the 3rd. place finish.
